Plan miasta Newby Wiske

Newby Wiske - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Local CID Officer Andy Dudman Recognised In Directorate Awards ...

The Directorate Awards were held over three evenings between Tuesday 19 October and Thursday 21 October 2010, at police headquarters in Newby Wiske. Citations were given to officers, staff and members of the public for their outstanding ...
źródło: BlogSearch

North Yorkshire Police to axe 550 jobs (From York Press)

If North Yorks Police are to get rid of 350 civilian office workers, does this mean that they will be selling off their palatial headquarters at Newby Wiske? This is more like a country house hotel than a government agency office. .... I've rarely seen a policeman walking around my nice middle class respectable law abiding housing estate, and suspect all that will change for >90% (guess!) of the population is that "rarely" will become "never". ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Bathroom showers - 2006 in review: Murders top story in Mason County

Police showers report 'whitewash' claim THE report into the controversial 28400 refurbishment of the chief constable's bathroom at Newby Wiske headquarters was branded as a 'whitewash' this week. Source:
źródło: BlogSearch
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